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05.07.2017 (Wednesday)

Holography of BCFT

Regular Seminar Chong-Sun Chu (NCTS, Hsinchu and Taiwan, Natl. Tsing Hua U.)

11:30 QMW
room 610

In this talk, I will discuss about the holography of boundary Conformal Field theory. I will show how boundary Weyl Anomaly can be obtained from holography. New universal relations between the shape dependence of Casimir effects and boundary Weyl anomaly will also be pointed out and discussed from the point of view of holography.

08.02.2012 (Wednesday)

Quantum Nambu geometry in string theory

Regular Seminar Chong-Sun Chu (Durham)

14:00 IC
room H503

03.05.2007 (Thursday)

A proposal on time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence and null-singularity

Regular Seminar Chong-Sun Chu (Durham University)

13:30 IC
room Huxley 503

The understanding of the nature of spacetime singularity and whether and how it is resolved is one of the most important problem in quantum gravity. Important examples are black hole singularity and cosmological singularity in the big bang. In this talk we will be interested in the later type and an approach to the problem using AdS/CFT correspondence for time-dependent background will be discussed. Our gauge theory results suggest that spacetime singularity is indeed resolved and the mechanism will be discussed.

01.06.2006 (Thursday)

Time Dependent AdS/CFT Proposal and Spacetime Singularities

Regular Seminar Chong-Sun Chu (Durham)

14:00 QMW
room 112

19.05.2005 (Thursday)

Causality and locality in string and field theory

Regular Seminar Chong-Sun Chu (Durham)

14:00 QMW
room 112